Friends In Action Intl., Staff member, Nicole Miller.

Nicole Miller

Position: Event Coordinator
Serving: USA


Nicole’s heart for missions started in college on a short-term mission trip to Guatemala, where she was able to share the gospel with families in need. Through a desire to continue having a kingdom impact, she found FIA and has loved the impact FIA has had through practical means. Nicole is a planner through and through, and her organizational skills and passion for the Gospel have led her to the event coordinator position here at FIA. Through event planning and building awareness for FIA, she hopes to help FIA reach more unreached people-groups and bring many more into the hope of Christ’s gift of salvation.

Nicole is also the worship director at her church and loves serving alongside her husband who plays the guitar. Nicole and her husband met in college and got married in 2019. Together they have four cats and are expecting a baby in June 2024.

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