
Your giving matters and is changing lives! Please consider becoming a monthly partner. Consistent giving leads to greater impacts! Thank you for being a friend in action!


245,000 people hear the Gospel through partner-supported ministries!


11,300 people benefited from community development projects.


8,600 received outreach or relief services.


7,500 were assisted through clean water initiatives.


790 obtained life-skills training and educational opportunities.

Ways To Make An Impact

There are so many ways to partner together! Learn how to maximize your giving impact through a few of these easy, tax-deductible methods.

Partnership Giving

Whether you give once or become a close friend of FIA through consistent monthly donations, we stand ready to immediately put your donations into action! Choose how you would like to invest in FIA’s frontline Gospel work!

Planned Giving

Reach out to us to help identify the giving tools that make the most sense for you! Working with your trusted financial advisor or charitable foundation to discuss making lasting contributions now or at the end of your life.

Commodity Giving

Giving doesn’t always have to be in dollars! Consider gifts-in-kind, price reduction on supplies, appreciation on non-cash assets, restricted stock, or sale of private business interests. Think outside the box to invest differently!

Coalition Giving

Whether through providing matching funds or joining other investors to focus on a large-scale, high-impact need, be part of creating a ripple effect to double, triple, or even quadruple your gift toward eternal purposes!

Skills Giving

Using your special skill set to advance FIA’s ministries can lead to thousands of saved dollars! Help us keep administrative costs low so more donations can go directly to the people and projects that need it the most!

Event Sponsorship

Underwrite an FIA event in your area! Covering event expenses means that proceeds from event attendees can be 100% tax-deductible! Your investment multiplies exponentially as others are inspired to pray, give, and go.

Invest in frontline Gospel work!


30 Different Missionaries
19 Volunteer Teams
10+ Projects
6 Countries Of Service

USA Project Support
CAN Project Support
Staff Support
USA Travel Support
CAN Travel Support
Friends In Action Intl., - Where Needed Most - Support

Where Needed Most

Friends In Action Intl., - Vanuatu Project Support -short term trips

Vanuatu Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl., - West Africa Project Support -short term trips

West Africa Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl., - Nicaragua Project Support -short term trips

Nicaragua Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl., - Papua New Guinea Project Support -short term trips

Papua New Guinea Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl., - Bolivia Project Support -short term trips

Bolivia Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl., - Headquarters, general fund and operations support. - USA and Canada

General Fund And Operations

Friends In Action Intl., - Amanda Brandt Memorial Fund

Amanda Brandt Memorial Fund

Friends In Action Intl., - Memorial Gardens Support

FIA Memorial Campaign

Friends In Action Intl., - Bethlehem Land Project Support -short term trips

Bethlehem Land

Dorcas House - A Home For Girls At Risk - Friends In Action Intl. - Project Support.

Dorcas House Support

Friends In Action Intl., - Headquarters, general fund and operations support. - USA and Canada

General Fund And Operations

Group holding shovels posing for picture after helping with memorial gardens at Friends In Action Intl.'s HQ.

FIA Memorial Campaign

Friends In Action Intl. volunteer and PNG natives smiling at the camera while traveling together on a boat.

Papua New Guinea Support

A group sitting and listening to a speaker while wearing medical masks in Nicaragua.

Nicaragua Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl. drilling a well in Burkina Faso.

West Africa Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl., - Vanuatu Project Support -short term trips

Vanuatu Ministry Support

Friends In Action Intl., - Where Needed Most - Support

Where Needed Most

Dorcas House - A Home For Girls At Risk - Friends In Action Intl. - Project Support.

Dorcas House Support

Friends In Action Intl., Staff member, Ainsley Archer.

Ainsley Archer

Friends In Action Intl., Staff members, Andy and Suzy Bachert.

Andy & Suzy Bachert

Friends In Action International staff members, Darren & Mary Cook.

Darren & Mary Cook

Friends In Action Intl., Staff members, Eddie and Dawn.

Eddie & Dawn

Friends In Action Intl., Staff member, Jeff Benson.

Jeff Benson

Friends In Action Intl., Staff members, Paul and Kathy Brosey.

Paul & Kathy Brosey

Friends In Action Intl., Staff members, Jay and Krista Brubacher.

Jay & Krista Brubacher

Friends In Action Intl., Staff members, Mike and Ruth Butler.

Mike & Ruth Butler

Friends In Action Intl., Staff member, Rob Donley.

Rob Donley

Friends In Action Intl., Staff members, Matt and Megan Durkee.

Matt & Megan Durkee

Friends In Action Intl., Staff members, Jeremy and Jessie Effler.

Jeremy & Jessie Effler

Friends In Action Intl., Staff member, Donna Ferch.

Donna Ferch

Load More
A large group posing for a photo in Bolivia.

Team Support Bolivia

Friends In Action Intl. team members working with natives on a construction project.

Team Support Nicaragua

Friends In Action Intl., - Papua New Guinea Project Support -short term trips

Team Support Papua New Guinea

Friends In Action Intl. team members attending a church service in Vanuatu.

Team Support Vanuatu

Friends In Action Intl. team members posing for picture with natives in West Africa.

Team Support West Africa

A world map.

Team Support International Trips

A group of Friends In Action Intl. team members serving on a domestic trip.

Domestic Team Support

A large group posing for a photo in Bolivia.

Team Support Bolivia

Friends In Action Intl. team members working with natives on a construction project.

Team Support Nicaragua

Friends In Action Intl. volunteer and PNG natives smiling at the camera while traveling together on a boat.

Team Support Papua New Guinea

Friends In Action Intl. team members attending a church service in Vanuatu.

Team Support Vanuatu

Friends In Action Intl. team members posing for picture with natives in West Africa.

Team Support West Africa

A world map.

Team Support International Trips

Not Sure Where to Start?

We are here to help! Just reach out by phone or email, and our Partnership Development Team will guide you through innovative giving solutions to maximize and multiply the impact of your giving. Let’s partner together to figure out what strategies make the best sense for your specific situation. 

The content found on this site is general in nature and intended to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be relied upon as legal, tax, accounting, or other professional advice. To determine how a gift or estate planning decision might affect your particular circumstances, it is expressly recommended that you consult an attorney, financial advisor, or another qualified professional. Friends in Action makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

Travel Inquiry

Short Term Missions

Shipping Ministry

Prayer Warrior Signup

Prayer Warriors - Current Form

Prayer Warrior Sign Up Form

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Donor Development

Donor Development

Contact our Donor Development Team with general questions.

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Shipping Ministry

Shipping Services

Shipping Department Contact form.

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FIA Canada

Canada Get In Touch

Contact our Canada Admin with general questions.

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USA Get In Touch

Contact our USA Admin with general questions.

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