Matt & Julie Walsh

Position: Well Drilling
Serving: USA | West Africa


Matt & Julie (and their six kids) have spent the last 20+ years involved with technical support ministries in West Africa. Matt and Julie are both engineers who through Messiah College traveled to the mission field on short-term trips to install solar panels, irrigation systems, hand pumps, and other engineering projects in partnership with SIM mission. Matt and Julie and their son Thomas moved to Burkina full-time in 2007 where the family worked and lived in a rural village. After 4 years at a center for people with disabilities, Matt and Julie transitioned into the creation of Open Door Development which was a SIM project that partners with the local church to equip the church to be the hands and feet of Christ in their communities. This organization worked on agricultural projects, water access, solar installations, road repair, and other community projects with the church.

Still officially SIM missionaries, Matt & Julie have been seconded to work with FRIENDS IN ACTION to serve alongside the FIA field team in West Africa, starting in the summer of 2021. Matt and Julie have are qualified associates of FIA, having been through the formal application and Orientation process of the organization. They will be supporting the well drilling project and other ministry initiatives to share the love of Christ in this undisclosed country, focusing on areas of infrastructure and water-related support services.

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