Coalition Giving

Coalition Giving

Matching Funds Go Farther

People give more when they know their dollars will go further! Be part of giving a lump sum that will stand alone as a matching fund incentive to inspire others to give. Or, add your funds to a coalition of funds used as an inspiration match. When you offer your dollar as a match for someone else’s, funds are multiplied exponentially! We’ve seen matching funds produce up to 7 times the amount given! Select the ministry you would most like to bless or champion the featured cause of the month. Stretch your investment to go even further and accomplish so much more by pledging matching funds!

Coalition Giving

Consider adding your funds to a coalition of funds used as an inspiration match. Participating in FIA’s coalition of giving provides:


An accessible way to pool resources to make greater global and eternal impacts.


An opportunity for fellowship through shared purposes and giving.


Inspiration toward greater “love and good deeds” by “encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25).


A pathway for unity. As a diverse community of believers united under the headship and purposes of Christ, a united giving effort enables us to be, “like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2)


Coordinated prayer efforts. As we focus our attention and resources toward a common end, our hearts are drawn together to pray the Lord uses our collective investment for His glory.

How Does It Work?


You can give monthly or a one-time payment. You can give online, by EFT, or by check.


Your intentions and donations will be combined with other like-minded individuals, businesses, or churches to help reach one of these high-impact, large-scale goals.


You can expect to be invited to join an optional zoom meeting each quarter to interface with others investing with you while hearing a progress update about the work being done through your investment.

Coalition Giving

Not Sure Where To Start?

We are here to help! Just reach out by phone or email, and our Partnership Development Team will guide you through innovative giving solutions to maximize and multiply the impact of your giving. Let’s partner together to figure out what strategies make the best sense for your specific situation.

The content found on this site is general in nature and intended to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be relied upon as legal, tax, accounting, or other professional advice. To determine how a gift or estate planning decision might affect your particular circumstances, it is expressly recommended that you consult an attorney, financial advisor, or another qualified professional. Friends in Action makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

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