
FIA In Bolivia
Partnering With National Pastors
The Amazon is a vast frontier of dense jungle and swamps, with little modern infrastructure for the remote peoples who live there. This jungle region presents a challenge to travelers and forms natural barriers to go and share the gospel. No internet exists in these poor communities, nor are phone lines or even electric service found in most villages.
Friends in Action (FIA) partners with national pastors in a three-fold outreach that crosses these natural jungle barriers to help indigenous people who have no doctors, pastors, or Christian workers. Working in Northern Bolivia and West Brazil, FIA provides resources for national pastors who have a passion to reach these people groups with the Gospel of Christ.
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Pray For Bolivia
Please pray for the people of Bolivia to respond to the saving knowledge of Jesus shared through each outreach in the Amazon jungle.
Give To Bolivia
FRIENDS IN ACTION INTL-USA (FIA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization firmly committed to good stewardship. Our work is supported by and dependent upon the continued faithfulness of God’s people. Tax-deductible donations can be made using this secure site.
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