Rob Donley

Position: Mechanical Supervisor
Serving: USA 


Rob is our resident tinkerer – maintaining and repairing the equipment both in the field and from our headquarters. He is the “stage crew” for our personnel – coordinating resources and data for the equipment they use, finding and shipping parts and instructions on how to make minor repairs in the field, and traveling to perform major equipment maintenance in person for more complex repairs. He is confident that God will equip him for any challenge as evidenced by past inspirational solutions in parts of the world without hardware stores.

He took his first short-term mission trip with FIA in 2008 and has returned to the Nicaragua Miskito project twice as well trips to the Vanuatu water project. As a diesel mechanic, he has 15 years of experience with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. He has many more years working with other groups repairing a wide range of equipment, from small one-cylinder chain saws to commercial diesel engines in dump trucks to 100-year-old steam traction cranes and rollers. In 2017 Rob began to sense God drawing him more deeply into missions, and in 2020 he completed the FIA orientation to become a missionary full-time.

Rob has set a personal goal to challenge others to take part in serving the Lord, encouraging more “Blue Collar Christians” to roll up their sleeves and get involved in spreading the Gospel through the work of Friend In Action, using their God-given talents for His service. “Maybe you’re like me, just a simple wrench-jockey,” says Rob. “We should all use our abilities to serve and glorify God and His Son Jesus Christ!”

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