Friends In Action International staff members, Darren & Mary Cook.

Darren & Mary Cook

Position: Associates | Canada


Darren & Mary Cook joined Friends in Action in 2024 as FIA Canada associates. They are keen to use their past experiences in missions service, having already practically served in mission service in Canada and overseas in Brazil. As they look ahead to serving with FIA, they will be supporting the growth and development of FIA through local representation and awareness of mission, leading teams working on construction projects, and engaging on service projects to serve national and international Gospel partners in Canada, the US and around the world.

Travel Inquiry

Short Term Missions

Shipping Ministry

Prayer Warrior Signup

Prayer Warriors - Current Form

Prayer Warrior Sign Up Form

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Donor Development

Donor Development

Contact our Donor Development Team with general questions.

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Shipping Ministry

Shipping Services

Shipping Department Contact form.

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FIA Canada

Canada Get In Touch

Contact our Canada Admin with general questions.

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USA Get In Touch

Contact our USA Admin with general questions.

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