Friends In Action Intl., - Where Needed Most - Support

Where Needed Most

Give your donation to the people, places, and projects where funds are most needed. All of FIA`s efforts go towards furthering God`s Kingdom and demonstrating His Love in some of the most remote parts of the globe. Be blessed knowing your gift will help meet the most urgent needs of those we minister to in six countries around the world!

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Travel Inquiry

Short Term Missions

Shipping Ministry

Prayer Warrior Signup

Prayer Warriors - Current Form

Prayer Warrior Sign Up Form

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Donor Development

Donor Development

Contact our Donor Development Team with general questions.

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Shipping Ministry

Shipping Services

Shipping Department Contact form.

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FIA Canada

Canada Get In Touch

Contact our Canada Admin with general questions.

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USA Get In Touch

Contact our USA Admin with general questions.

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