Friends In Action International, March 2024 publication of

Watching A Vision Come To Life

Mar 8, 2024

CHARTING THE COURSE: FIA Poised For Future Growth


“And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.” – Psalm 90:17 (KJV)

Adapting & Innovating

The “crucible” of March 2020 taught me the importance of adaptability. As the former General Manager of a $10 million industrial company deemed “essential,” we had to “pivot” and adapt to a new landscape. As the COO of FIA USA, I am responsible for ensuring that we continue to grow and evolve to remain effective in our ministry. To achieve this, we must be willing to adapt and innovate, always focusing on the ultimate goal of spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. So, how can I apply the lessons learned in March 2020 as we are poised to grow in 2024?

2020 Pivot 1:

Invest in infrastructure and resources.

One important way we can prepare for future growth is by investing in our infrastructure and resources. This may involve upgrading our technology systems, expanding our network of volunteers and prayer warriors, or even training new staff to support our expanding operations. We can better position ourselves to take on new challenges and opportunities by strengthening our foundation.

We must be willing to adapt and innovate, always focusing on the ultimate goal of spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

2020 Pivot 2:

Develop our people.

Additionally, we must prioritize leadership development and capacity building within our organization. As our ministry grows, so must our team of dedicated staff and volunteers. This means providing training and support to help individuals develop their skills and talents, empowering them to take on greater responsibilities and leadership roles within FIA. By investing in our people, we can ensure that we have the talent and expertise to sustain our mission for years to come.

2020 Pivot 3:

Foster existing relationships.

Lastly, we must remain committed to fostering strong relationships with our donors, partners, and supporters. These individuals, businesses, and organizations are crucial in fueling our mission. Without their generosity and support, our work would not be possible. By encouraging these relationships and communicating our vision and impact effectively, we can inspire others to join us in our mission of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. Join me in looking to the future with hope and anticipation. I know God has great plans for Friends in Action International. Together, we can move earth to share heaven, bringing light to the darkest corners of the world and bearing the love of Christ to all who need it most.


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