Cover image of Friends In Action, Intl., June 2024 publication of

Hearing Javier’s Heart

Jun 5, 2024

Partnership Leads To Praise: FIA Half-Year Celebrations!


“They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.” – Psalm 145:7 (KJV)

When we are aware of the goodness of God, our response is joy! We made our ministry needs known to you in 2023, and you responded enthusiastically through your generous prayers and financial gifts. Here are a few amazing reasons to celebrate what God has done through your kindness in the first six months of 2024!


The Rama Cay people are experiencing God’s love in a tangible way as a kitchen/dining facility is taking shape in their midst. Recent teams completed the framework and installed a water pump, bringing the villagers 2.5 gallons of fresh water a minute (1800 gallons a day)!

Papua New Guinea

A massive solar project was completed in which 60 solar panels weighing over 3,000 lbs. were installed after teams reinforced trusses on a workshop roof. God has literally enabled us to be His light in the darkness in the remote regions of PNG!

West Africa

Villagers are learning about Jesus, The Living Water, as the final trusses and tin roofing were added to a hangar to house well-drilling equipment. Construction and repairs were completed on missionary housing, and progress was made toward two projects: solar power conversion and housing for guest teams.


We are ever closer to bringing 3,500 villagers clean water! We purchased machinery and supplies, retrofitted a Mack truck for jungle terrain, and an ocean container is en route with essentials for teams to break ground this June!


Construction updates were completed at The Indigenous Training Center, enabling close to a dozen conferences. Hundreds of villagers have attended women’s camps, men’s retreats, youth and children’s camps, and leadership training for youth leaders, pastors, and children’s ministry directors! Village teens shout with joy as excavation is underway on a youth recreation expansion project!

“We are privileged to team up with an army of generous Christ-followers unafraid of sacrificial and long-term commitment and giving.”

As the Director of Partnership Development, I stand in awe of our God who always does more than we can ask, think, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). And, I stand humbled to partner with each of you whom God uses over and over again to be the answer to our prayers! We are privileged to team up with an army of generous Christ-followers unafraid of sacrificial and long-term commitment and giving. Let me express our sincere and heartfelt thanks for your invaluable support.
God’s greatest provision to us is not financial. It is our salvation through His Son, Jesus, and the empowerment of His Holy Spirit to serve Him here and among the nations until that Final Day.
God’s greatest provision to us is not financial. It is our salvation through His Son, Jesus, and the empowerment of His Holy Spirit to serve Him here and among the nations until that Final Day.
In Psalm 107, four times God says, “Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Before you turn the page, would you take a moment with me to bow your head and thank God for just a few things He has done for us? He is so worthy. As you pray, know that you, too, have been prayed over as friends of this ministry. Together, let us give Him the praise He deserves. Amen, and amen.


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