The FIA Memorial Campaign is designed as a place to celebrate life. Through tree or shrub plantings or engraved brick placements, FIA supporters create a living memorial to their family and friends.
Located along our entry lane and extending in front of our international headquarters building, these living monuments will be opportunities to remember and honor those who have made significant contribution in our lives and to ministry.
Donations made to the FIA Memorial Campaign honor the living in a special way or create a legacy for those who have gone before. With three tiers of giving, your donated dollars reach past the FIA headquarters grounds and into the deepest jungles, highest mountains, and most unrelenting desert regions to help make Christ known in the forgotten regions of the world! Your tax-deductible donation to FIA’s Memorial Campaign is a tangible way to make a lasting impact in Jesus’ Name while honoring a life well lived.
“So today I am going down to the water (baptism). I am thinking about all that Jesus did for me and how He was put up on that cross where His blood drained out for my forgiveness. I am going to the water to identify myself in Jesus and in the salvation He gave me. Yes, in front of all of you I am giving this testimony that my life is now in Jesus….” ~ A new Rama believer sharing his baptism testimony with his fellow villagers
Giving Tiers:

Plant a Tree
$1000 USD
$1371.49 CAD

Plant a Shrub
$300 USD
$411.45 CAD

Engrave a brick
$100 USD
$137.15 CAD
Project Phases:
The garden will be constructed in three phases:
- Phase 1 – Tree plantings and dedications will be held July and September of 2022.
- Phase 2 – Shrub plantings will take place in the Spring of 2023.
- Phase 3 – Engraved brick placement will occur in the Summer of 2023.
Next Steps:
Please complete a form for each item you would like placed in the memorial garden. Once your application is approved, you will be contacted with further details and payment information.
Thank you for choosing to celebrate your loved one through the FIA Memorial Campaign. We pray that this would be a special and sacred place to celebrate the people and moments that mean the most.