A man being baptized in the water.

Being ALL IN for the Cause of Christ: 24-Hour Give

Sep 26, 2023

Double Your Dollars By Being “ALL IN” With FIA!

Believing that God is calling each of us to make Jesus known, we are carving out 24 hours to focus on being ALL IN on Great Commission work! Listen to three testimonies of people who exemplify being ALL IN, and join FIA through three ways you too can be ALL IN with us!

Pastor Ivor, Bolivia – All In Spiritually

Iver Suarez became the only believer in his family at the young age of 13. At age 15, Iver entered a soccer academy and at age 17 was selected to play on the city’s University Team of Cobija. Despite his success, Iver felt God calling him to be ALL IN to spiritually serve his people. He left his position of prestige and attended Bible school to prepare to serve in Christ’s Name. Now a pastor, Iver lives every day ALL IN by partnering with FIA to lead a motorbike ministry to connect with unreached people groups in the dense jungles of the Amazon Basin.about you or your organization, the products or services you offer, or why you exist. Keep a consistent communication style.

The Peachy Family, State College, PA – All In Financially

After hearing from a family member about the amazing things God was doing through FIA, the Peacheys first got involved by supporting an FIA missionary. Over the past seven years, they have gone on to support FIA’s Where Needed Most Fund, as well as outreaches to Africa, Moldova, Bolivia, and the General Fund. Believing the Lord wants their family to give as an ALL IN sacrificial celebration of worship, the Peacheys make monthly, as well as special one-time gifts, investing in what they believe matters most to the heart of God. Even their daughters, Libby and Kami, have hosted their own fundraisers through craft sales to be ALL IN in their own way for the cause of Christ

Bob Phillips, Palmyra, PA. – All In Practically

After working as a commercial fisherman for over 30 years, Bob’s herniated disks, damaged vertebrae, and arthritis made him think he was disqualified from God using him on mission. After laying out his concerns in prayer, Bob felt the Lord asking him to serve on a volunteer work team while trusting Him to provide the health and strength needed. Bob spent two weeks completing mechanical and cyclone repairs on FIA’s base camp of operations in Vanuatu. Despite his physical limitations, Bob’s work helped support missionaries in the region and moved FIA one step closer to starting a water project that will bless over 3,500 villagers.

Be All In Spiritually

At FIA, we believe that prayer is the foundation for everything that comes after. On November 17, be ALL IN by taking even 5 minutes of your day to pray. Remember FIA and ask God to work through our ministry partners in some of the hardest-to-reach areas of the world. Use The Challenge – FIA’s quarterly newsletter to know how to pray specifically.

Be All In Financially

Every dollar donated to FIA’s Where Needed Most Fund, General Fund, or any field project will be doubled on November 17! You can also opt out of all processing fees for this day only! Help us reach our one-day $50,000 goal.

A QR code will be provided to scan on the day of the event to give! Or give by check with ALL IN and your designation in the memo line (received no later than November 24)!

Be All In Practically

Finally, take some time to look over the dozens of volunteer opportunities – both locally and internationally – to be ALL IN with your time and talents. Give God your fears, limitations, and concerns, and let Him use you to help create inroads for the Gospel!

During this season of thankfulness, YOU can be a double blessing by making November 18, 2022, count for eternity! THANK YOU ahead of time for being ALL IN with Friends In Action!

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