Echoing Their Joyous Strains: Gloria

Dec 6, 2022

Angels We Have Heard On High

Matt Durkee – FIA Executive Director

As the year quickly comes to a close, we stop to reflect on the “Gloria, in Excelsis Deo!” or “Glory to God in the Highest!” for all He has done and to share what you have been a part of through your praying, giving, and going this ministry year. For each lost soul who is pointed to Christ through the works of FIA’s missionaries and projects, God is so worthy of our “joyous strains!” Thank you for continuing to journey with us as a friend of the mission. I invite you to join with us as we look ahead and celebrate Jesus, “the newborn King.” May our Savior bless you and your family with His Peace this Christmas season.

Merry Christmas,

Matt Durkee


Sweetly Singing O’er The Plains


West Africa – Given in 2022: $59,946.18 USD

Throughout the dry, dusty plains of West Africa, FIA continues to meet the physical need for clean water through the drilling and provision of community water wells. Sunday, a West African villager, gives glory to God for the hope she’s found: “The drilling gave me joy. It opened my heart because this work is being done in faith and not for other reasons. This is what encouraged me to accept Jesus and gives me the courage to share the Gospel because all good things come from God.”


And The Mountains In Reply


Vanuatu – Given in 2022: $63,881.07 USD

From the mountain heights among the islands of Vanuatu, clean water will flow as plans finalize to build a spring-fed gravity water distribution system to benefit over 3,500 NiVan villagers. Pastor Gaby, our NiVan pastor-partner, shares that many are living in spiritual darkness without the truth of the Gospel. “I am grateful to FIA for helping us to reach these 30 communities with the Gospel! Bringing clean water to the people will allow the tribal chiefs to permit us access to their villages, and we can share about the true water and life found in Jesus.”


Echoing Their Joyous Strains


Bolivia – Given in 2022: $38,772.19 USD

It’s not uncommon to hear joyous singing coming from remote villages in Northern Bolivia. Bolivian pastors are reaching the lost by taking the Gospel into the jungles and river tributaries of the Amazon by way of FIA-supported radio outreaches and sponsored food and medical relief expeditions. “It was a great blessing! We met a new community where we were able to preach the Gospel to many people. We feel the burden to return as soon as possible as they need many medicines – we will do everything possible to make the next trip and, God-willing, to plant a church!” Pastor Iver Suarez


Sheapherds Why This Jubilee?


Moldova – Given in 2022: $97,075.14 USD

The faculty, staff, and students at The University of Divine Grace, Moldova were able to “shepherd” and house over 400 Ukrainian refugees this year during the Ukrainian/Russian conflict. Sending funds to help provide food, clothing and medical supplies for the students and staff to share with those streaming into Moldova, FIA rejoices at being able to help our partners serving the Lord in times such as this. “Though this was an evil time, God redeemed it in many ways as thousands of unreached people met with our students who were positioned to share about Jesus, The Prince of Peace.” Sergei, UDG Provost


Why Your Joyous Strains Prolong?


Papua New Guinea – Given in 2022: $18,086.97 USD

When we think of “prolonged” strains of joy, we are reminded that 2022 is FIA’s 30th anniversary year! Since the mid-1990s, FIA has been meeting the construction and mechanical needs of missionaries in remote areas of Papua New Guinea. “Whether building airstrips and houses or just fixing our mowers, outboards, barges, chainsaws, vehicles…FIA gets us where we need to go and helps keep us there until the job is done.” Greg, Missionary to PNG


What Gladstone Tidings Be


Nicaragua – Given in 2022: $90,452.05 USD

“Our people are so thankful to receive this help. This project will give us a safe place to bathe and wash our clothes. We are grateful to those who give, even though we never met you. May God bless you.” Diego, a Rama villager. The Rama people of Nicaragua recognize the demonstrations of love as hurricane-resistant homes are built and a laundry/shower facility nears completion, to better the health and hygiene conditions for the people.


Come Adore On Bended Knee


Heard the Gospel – Approx. 250,000 people in 2022

On every project, in every country, and among every people group, our purpose is to point to Jesus. We praise the Lord that close to a quarter of a million people have heard about Jesus, many for the first time, through FIA’s ministries this year. Even more wonderfully many have come on “bended knee” responding in faith to now call Christ their King!


Gloria, In Excelsis Deo


End of the year financial needs

Glory to God in the Highest! As you consider your year-end giving, we hope you will continue to invest in helping us bring this anthem to every nation, tribe, and tongue…until all have heard.

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