Becoming A Barnabas
That’s our heart at Friends In Action – that “much people” would be added unto the Lord! We can join our hearts, our dollars, and our efforts to go ALL IN to support those reaching the nations for Jesus!

Pastor Earnest Is ALL In For Africa!

“The well means I can spend more time ministering to the villagers, and they can see that our well is different because we welcome all people to come and drink. As they visit the water source, they realize the Gospel is a message of love.” ~ Pastor Earnest
Water Projects
Please remember Pastor Earnest and FIA’s water projects in Africa and Vanuatu as you pray on November 22. Your gifts to FIA’s Where Needed Most Fund can be allocated to teaching villagers about Jesus, the Living Water, through your doubled dollars!
Pastor Iver Is ALL In For Bolivia!
FIA partners with Pastor Iver on a motorbike ministry where he and his team travel deep into the dense jungles of the Amazon Basin to connect with unreached villages. Dozens of villagers have been baptized, two new churches planted, and 50 men now train each month for two intensive study days to be equipped for outreach!

“I want to thank the Lord for putting into your hearts to support us, so that we can do his will together in the world. So many, many lives are being saved through your prayers and giving.” ~ Pastor Iver
Community Development
Pray for more souls to be won to the Kingdom through outreaches like Iver’s. On November 22, your Where Needed Most gifts could be allocated to assist Bolivia, help open the hearts of Rama Cay villagers through community development projects in Nicaragua, or assist mechanical work benefitting missionaries working among the Wewak people of Papua New Guinea.
Be ALL In With Us
We welcome you to set aside even 10 minutes on Friday, November 22 to be a Barnabas! Use that sacred time to pray and invest in those who are ALL IN serving in some of the most hard-to-reach, under-resourced, and spiritually dark regions of the world!
Mark your calendars! Join us in being ALL IN on November 22, 2024! Every dollar is doubled to encourage others who are sacrificing so much to be ALL IN for Jesus!