As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10 KJV
FIA has partnered with Pastor Saul to develop the Indigenous Training Center (ITC). The Center ensures new believers are growing in their faith and ready to take the Gospel further into the Amazon villages. Excited, the children chattered all at once asking if he would tell them more Bible stories and if he would stay for lunch. Over the years, Pastor Saul has served as a father figure to hundreds of Bolivian orphans. Now, Pastor Saul and his fellow ministers of the Gospel are looking to be adopted themselves.
Ministering To Those Who Minister
Friends In Action exists to help pastors and missionaries speed the Gospel to those who have never heard the Good News of Jesus. For more than a decade, FIA has connected with a dedicated group of believers in Bolivia engaged in impactful, evangelistic outreaches to the Amazon River Basin. God has provided much fruit as hundreds (if not thousands) of villagers have come to the saving knowledge of Jesus through four main ministry venues (Indigenous Training Center, Inspiracion Christian Radio, Motorbike Ministry, and Tribal Outreach), each led by a dedicated and faithful man of God. New leaders are adding to this number as more are being trained to oversee recently planted remote indigenous churches.
Staying Gospel-Focused
While the commitment and passion of these leaders cannot be questioned, the poverty and lack of resources surrounding them threaten to hamper their ability to fully invest in every outreach opportunity. With poor national sending churches unable to fund their ministries, these men might have to expend valuable ministry time engaging in other work to provide for their families instead of sharing the Gospel in areas ripe for the harvest.
Get To Know A Pastor

Pastor Saul – Indigenous Training Center
FIA has partnered with Pastor Saul to develop an Indigenous Training Center (ITC) to ensure new believers are growing in their faith and ready to take the Gospel further into the Amazon villages. Youth conferences are also hosted at the ITC, building a solid biblical foundation in the lives of Bolivia’s next generation of Christ-followers. “I attended one of the conferences at the ITC when Pastor Saul taught, and now I understand how to grow in the Lord and study my Bible for myself. I can better explain my faith to my family and friends,” shares Juan, a recent convert.

Pastor Iver – Motorbike Ministry
FIA has partnered with Pastor Saul to develop an Indigenous Training Center (ITC) to ensure new believers are growing in their faith and ready to take the Gospel further into the Amazon villages. Youth conferences are also hosted at the ITC, building a solid biblical foundation in the lives of Bolivia’s next generation of Christ-followers. “I attended one of the conferences at the ITC when Pastor Saul taught, and now I understand how to grow in the Lord and study my Bible for myself. I can better explain my faith to my family and friends,” shares Juan, a recent convert.

Pastor Rafael – 24/7 Christian Radio
FIA partners with Pastor Rafael who leads Inspiracion, the 24/7 Christian radio ministry sending Christian music, teaching, and discipleship to over 200,000 people in isolated areas of Bolivia and Brazil. “One night I came across the frequency and started listening to Pastor Rafael’s broadcasts for an entire month. After I trusted in Jesus based on the teachings, I walked to the church in town to continue learning,” shared a Bolivian man named Salustiano.

Pastor Elmer – Tribal Outreach
There are no means that Pastor Elmer will not employ to access the tiny unreached villages of the Amazon River Basin! By boat, plane, car, or foot, Pastor Elmer goes to any length to provide Bible teaching among the most remote indigenous people groups. “When Pastor Elmer told us about Jesus, I knew I needed a Savior. When he stopped to check on me during his return trip, I brought two friends to talk to him. Now they know Jesus too!” shared Rosa, a village woman.
You Can Help
Please consider “adopting” our partner pastors by making these and future dedicated men of God the focus of your prayers and giving. “This is an opportunity for us to stand with pastors who are continuing to serve others even while they are struggling immensely themselves,” shares Tim Johnston, FIA’s Director of Partnership Development. “By supporting them, we not only meet their needs, but we also ensure that they can continue vibrant ministries with a track record of bringing the Gospel effectively to unreached people groups.”Any amount will help, but if even 50 people “adopt” a pastor by becoming a $40-a-month partner through FIA, these incredible frontline Gospel workers will be fully funded to continue these life-changing ministries! Simply click on the “DONATE” button below for easy access to the Bolivia giving page. Thank you!