Hope For The Humble: FIA At Christmas

Nov 30, 2023

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

The circumstances surrounding Christ’s birth are humble. Laid in a simple manger and wrapped in simple cloths, nothing about where or how Jesus was born could be further from the truth about WHO HE IS, as this boy-child would one day transform the world as God’s gift of hope and salvation!

Many of the people we serve have their own brand of humble circumstances and simple beginnings. By God’s grace we have the opportunity to declare that the love of God and the gift of salvation belongs to all people by faith in Jesus Christ, regardless of where or how they are born.

The Word teaches us that the love of Christ compels us to bear this message of hope, to care for and serve others, and to speak the Truth. This Christmas season, put His great love on display through this message of Hope, and help us provide more opportunities for those without Christ to hear The Good News! Thank you for your partnership in making this a reality!

West Africa – The Gift Of Water

Were we to turn on the tap to fill a glass of water and no water came out, we would immediately wonder what the problem was. For Pastor Peter and his ministry in West Africa, this was an everyday reality. With only one water faucet fed by an unreliable water source, low pressure and inconsistent supply limited Peter’s administration of the elementary school and ministries he is responsible for (let alone providing for his own family). Through FIA’s partnership to fund and drill a water well, Peter now has a reliable and plentiful source of clean water for all areas of life and ministry.

This will have such an impact on the greater calling to share the Gospel! With water for his school and outreach agricultural projects, Peter can better serve the students and disciple the young men while working beside them. This church is the only Christian influence in their village. By supporting Peter in this practical way, by God’s grace we will see the Gospel advance, and can encourage Peter and those serving with him to have a greater impact in their community.

This Christmas, help FIA bring the gift of clean water to ministry partners like Peter! Even 100 people each giving $100 ($10,000 drills a well) helps strengthen the Gospel work to go forward in an area where less than .2% have ever heard His Name!

Nicaragua – The Gift Of Shelter

What changes have been taking place for the Rama people living in Fuente de Agua Viva (Spring of Living Water)! Once limited to the overpopulated and resource-depleted island of Rama Cay, every year we see families making the move across the bay to begin a new life with the Living Water mainland community. As part of the initial terms of relationship with the Rama people, FIA committed to sponsor the construction of 40 homes to support the community development (funded through FIA, built by the Rama).

Even more exciting than seeing this physical community develop has been witnessing the Lord establish a community of Rama believers, each growing in relationship with Jesus Christ. Years of working side-by-side with the Rama allowed deep relationships to form, which led to them truly hearing and finally responding to the Gospel message. The Living Water community is being transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit, and as each home is built and a new family moves in, our prayer is that yet another will be added to the Kingdom!

This Christmas, help FIA give the gift of shelter to a Rama family. $8,000 builds a new hurricane-resistant home! 100 supporters donating just $80 opens doors to new relationships with the Rama people, opportunities that our Lord may use to bring yet another into new life with Him.

Bolivia – The Gift Of Play

Each year, dozens of youth from nearby communities in Northern Bolivia gather for “EL EDEN” (The Eden) Youth Camp. During the weeks away, these youths are challenged and transformed by the Word through the teaching of local pastoral teams, pastors supported by and partnering with FIA. This youth camp is located on the same grounds that FIA has been helping to develop for the past decade, partnering with the Bolivian church to create a place where men, women and children can be discipled in their faith and challenged to live for the Lord.

We’ve been asked to help build a recreational space at the camp. Basketball facilities, sports equipment, and a natural swimming area will be tools the youth and their leaders will use to build stronger and deeper relationships as they better connect with each other. Pray with us for the youth, that those stronger connections will lead to greater discipleship in the faith

This Christmas, help FIA partner with our Bolivian brothers and sisters to provide the gift of play. $6,000 will provide the materials for the first phase of construction of the recreational area. 100 generous gifts of $60 will lay the foundation to create this space to teach of the love of the Father and His Plan to save.

Never underestimate the power of your gifts this Christmas or the transformational power of the Gospel!

Help us finish 2023 strong by having your donations DOUBLED to our Where Needed Most, General Fund, and any field project until year end!

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