Rebuilding In Vanuatu: Testimonies & The Task Ahead

Sep 14, 2022

A Clear Call To Help

“When it’s a choice between people starving and being homeless or plowing ahead with a project plan, it’s easy to see what the Lord was calling us to,” shared Tim Johnston, FIA Field Leader to Vanuatu. After a Category-5 monster cyclone leveled 90% of the housing structures on the island in April of 2020, it was a clear path forward – villagers needed food and shelter.

And, YOU all stepped in as the hands and feet of Jesus! FIA was able to send more than $40,000 worth of aid. Many lives were spared, and many hearts were opened to hearing about Jesus.

“A man’s heart deviseth his way; but the LORD directeth his steps.“ Proverbs 16:9

I’m standing here speaking on behalf of the entire village of Suranda. I want to say thank you to Friends in Action for your willingness to give to the cyclone relief. You provided us food and tools to rebuild our houses. There are not enough words to express our gratitude. I’m here to say thank you to all the donors. God will bless you for what you did to help our community of Suranda. Thank you everyone.

Willy, villager from Suranda.


Reubens Cyclone Story

One villager named Reuben remembers back to that day vividly. “My friend told me there was going to be a really strong cyclone that could cause a lot of damage, so we needed to make sure our children were all safe. I stayed with my young children in the house while the storm got bad. Then the roof blew off completely! I looked up and could see the sky and clouds right from inside of my house! We took shelter in one small corner until we came outside to see all the rest of the damage.”

Rueben, and hundreds like him, found their subsistence gardens (which for many was their only source of food) were completely gone. They scrounged for fallen coconuts and dug up some yucca, but the meager provisions would only last a few days with such great need. Dozens upon dozens crammed into caves for shelter.

Within the first days after the cyclone, when missionaries arrived with provisions supplied by FIA supporters , so many villagers rejoiced!

Contaminated Water Issues

It has taken a long while, but most of the villagers have had time to rebuild and regrow. Although everyday is no longer focused on survival, the people still lack a clean, sustainable water source, making daily living difficult at best. It’s time for Friends In Action to re-engage on a WASH (Water And Sanitation Health) initiative to bless more than 3,500 villagers with clean water and a chance to hear about Jesus, The Living Water.

Behind the scenes, FIA has secured piping and retrofitted a Mack Truck essential for traversing the jungle terrain to begin building a gravity-fed water system benefiting the NiVan people. But, progress cannot continue until we make necessary repairs to our main base of operations.

FIA’S Devastating Losses

Philippians 2:4 tells us, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” As we have spent time and resources to help the villagers, we are now trusting that the Lord will help us with our own unattended repairs. Our main base of operations, which houses our tools, vehicles, missionaries, and visiting work teams has sustained significant damages. When shipping and customs are factored in, there is close to $100,000 of need.


$5000 Rebuild Volunteer Lodging

$6000 Metal Workshop Roof

$5000 Supply Container Roofing

$6000 Sawmill Housing Roof

“I don’t think I’m being too dramatic to describe the situation as devastating. Something smacked the sawmill pretty hard during the cyclone and it’s broken. The wet conditions took a toll and so much is rusted through. Without a roof on the workshop, I am limited in being able to help other missionaries and ministries. The cyclone has, and will continue to be, a major setback.” – Levi Pitman, FIA’s team leader to Vanuatu

Would you commit these needs to the Lord with us?

“Pray Ezekiel 36:11. “And I will multiply upon you…and will do better unto you than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.”

If your heart is moved to help, a generous supporter has offered to match any donation given to our Where Needed Most Fund! While small amounts can seem insignificant compared to large needs, the God of fish and loaves can multiply any gift to be more than enough! Join us as we step out in faith believing that God will enable us to move ahead to bring Jesus, The Living Water, to Vanuatu.



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