“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.” Colossians 1:13
The Domain Of Darkness
Even before there are written records of Papua New Guinea’s history, a legend is told in the highlands concerning a “Time of Darkness” in which there was no light and ash fell from the skies. It remains a fitting metaphor for the widespread spiritual darkness that continues to exist among the people. Violent machete fights, spousal abuse, witch hunts, Stone Age rituals, and the pervasive use of magic are prevalent among many villagers. In a culture steeped in superstition, the Truth of Jesus is often entangled with traditional tribal beliefs. The people can spend a lifetime in fear of displeasing the domain of darkness that they believe controls their health, gardens, and well-being.

The Light Of Truth
FIA serves in PNG by supporting and supplying remote ministry partners with materials, mechanical support, and construction projects empowering them to reach more villagers with the bondage-breaking Good News of Jesus. From creating jungle airstrips to building houses, repairing engines, and leading trade skill training programs, FIA’s work enables “light to shine out of darkness!” (2 Corinthians 4:6).
The Struggle Against Darkness
PNG faces major challenges with poor access to electricity. Only an estimated 13% of PNG’s 8.6 million people have access to grid-connected power. Even for those with access, electricity is unreliable, as lengthy blackouts shut down the nearest town for days closing down shops and resources, and the neighboring clinics cannot service the patients resulting in many deaths.
FIA’s own base camp has been impacted as one of the major means of supporting missionaries is through our workshop. Without power, we are unable to run many tools to help with projects headed by trained nationals. Each day devotions are held with the workers, and all of them have come to know the Lord!
Although we have a diesel generator, fuel is expensive and is less and less available. Time without lights and fans creates a prime environment for fast-growing jungle mold to overtake missionary housing, and no refrigeration creates hardships for families serving in the region.
Let The Light Shine
PNG faces major challenges with poor access to electricity. Only an estimated 13% of PNG’s 8.6 million people have access to grid-connected power. Even for those with access, electricity is unreliable, as lengthy blackouts shut down the nearest town for days closing down shops and resources, and the neighboring clinics cannot service the patients resulting in many deaths.

Please Pray With Us
The flat roof on our warehouse is perfectly positioned for the solar system, but we need your help. $100,000 will provide everything needed for the project – panels, battery bank, regulators, and an inverter. The impacts to FIA’s leaders, missionary partners, and Wewak villagers would be immeasurable and eternal!
You Can Help
Your contribution towards providing power will empower – as missionaries will stay longer, travel further, and share more efficiently through FIA’s support efforts! Matthew 5:14-15 calls us to be “the light of the world,” and to, “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Help us to literally bring light and be light. Enable us to be equipped and readied for every good work. Give to see FIA be a beacon to those still residing in darkness.