Turning 30 Big Things Ahead For You And FIA!

Jul 14, 2022

Whatever your age, today you are invited to claim 30! Why? Because 2022 is Friends In Action’s 30th year in ministry – a massive milestone that we could not have reached without you.

Whether you’ve been part of the FIA family for all of the past three decades, or just the last 30 days, your prayers and generosity – your passion for reaching the last, the least, and the lost – are deeply valued and appreciated.

“So today I am going down to the water (baptism). I am thinking about all that Jesus did for me and how He was put up on that cross where His blood drained out for my forgiveness. I am going to the water to identify myself in Jesus and in the salvation He gave me. Yes, in front of all of you I am giving this testimony that my life is now in Jesus….” ~ A new Rama believer sharing his baptism testimony with his fellow villagers

With half the year over in June, we want to take every moment to celebrate 30 days, weeks, or years of serving the Lord together. Thank you!

What a perfect time to recommit to you who we are, what God is doing through your prayers and giving, and provide you with another chance to celebrate with us.

First, we are standing firm in our Great Commission mission and ministry. All those things you love about FIA, those things that make us a uniquely powerful and effective tool in the hand of God, continue to grow stronger with each passing year!

  • FIA reaches more than a quarter-million people through our ministries!
  • We are expanding! In addition to our six countries of service, we have branched into Peru and Mexico to assist even more missionaries.
  • Our shipping ministry has relocated to our Middletown, Pennsylvania HQ to reach close to 1,000 missionaries and organizations with mission-critical cargo to support frontline Gospel work!
  • FIA has hosted close to 200 trips for more than 1,000 volunteers to participate in impactful Kingdom work in some of the most remote locations on earth!
  • Both our international and headquarters’ staff are growing by leaps and bounds with a half dozen new team members slated for our next orientation!

And we’re not stopping there! We stand ready to do even more to make sure the unreached hear The Good News of Jesus! Help us make even greater impacts through a $30 or more special “anniversary” gift to one of these important outreaches happening now!

Bolivia – Celebrate 30 years by giving $30 towards fuel costs and outreach materials as national partners, Pastors Iver and Enoel, reach villages deep in the Amazon River Basin.

Nicaragua – Join your dollars with others to sponsor a new home in the Rama Cay Spring of Living Water Community! Just $30 can be combined to provide materials to construct housing to alleviate overcrowding and sanitation concerns among villagers.

Vanuatu – Help us celebrate by donating $30 to purchase a 10’ length of pipe to help bring Jesus, The Living Water, to the NiVan people.

Papua New Guinea (PNG) – Be a ray of sunshine to Wewak villagers through your $30 gift towards purchasing solar panels essential to empowering missionaries to reach further into the mountains, river, and bush regions of PNG.

West Africa Sponsor a portion of a clean water well by giving $30. If just 333 people choose this anniversary gift, another well can be completed to bless more than 500 villagers (on average)!

Thank you again for being part of this special 30-year anniversary year! We are humbled by and grateful for your partnership. We cannot wait to see what God will do through you and FIA,together, as we start the second half of this30th year of ministry…and beyond!



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